Build Low Latency Audio-centric Apps for Mobile, Web, Desktop and Embedded with one API.
High Performance C++ and JavaScript SDKs for Audio
Launching interactive audio apps on multiple web browsers and multiple devices requires powerful DSP that provides unified performance with reduced complexity. Dealing with web browser performance idiosyncrasies is frustrating and non-productive. Create the same code across browsers and know it will sound the same.
Our Superpowered implementation is not dumbed down and makes no compromises: audio quality is identical to our "native" platform versions. All data processing is performed in WebAssembly for high performance, and typical performance is less than 10% slower vs Superpowered native performance (only because WebAssembly SIMD features are not ready for prime-time yet).
Example measurement: Superpowered Reverb 0.033ms vs. 0.03ms for 128 frames on the highest spec 2017 Retina Macbook Pro.
This is the JavaScript API to be primarily used with Web Audio, AudioWorklets. The library is also available in Emscripten Bitcode format for custom WASM builds.
Browser support
Browser support: official public stable versions of all major web browsers, including desktop and mobile variants (iOS, Android), such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge.
Superpowered helps developers make app audio more interactive with less frustration, time and money.
Superpowered Audio SDK is the leading C++ & Javascript Audio Library featuring real-time latency and cross-platform audio players, audio decoders, Fx (effects), audio I/O, streaming, music analysis, spatialization, mixing and more.